Can I cross-fertilise rhododendrons myself?

(Survey: Multiplying of rhododendrons )
In the wild, cross-fertilisation is mostly taken care of by bees, nevertheless we can always give nature a boost. How? Cut off the stamen and put them in a container (father plant). Apply pollen of another plant (mother plant) onto the flower's pistel. Remove its own stamen. The pollinated plant should now be protected against the rain which could wash away the pollen or against bees who might apply pollen from another flower. If you work outside, attach a paper bag above the pollinated plant. Even better is to put the mother plant inside a greenhouse to protect it against bees. The seedboxes will be ripe in the beginning of October. Reap the seeds and let them dry. Sift the seeds to remove all the remains of its seedbox. You can go now sow your young seeds or keep them in closed container at the bottom of your fridge.

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