How to graft rhododendrons?

(Survey: Multiplying of rhododendrons )
There are several ways to graft rhodendrons. In Belgium, people usually graft on rhododendron ponticum or Cunninghams White. In Germany, they combine 2 methods: grafting on White rootstock and on hybrid rootstock. This method implies a greater risk. Wuloplant grafts on Cunninghams White. The rootstock is vertically cut into. The hybrid is cut out in a V shape which fits perfectly into the rootstock. Everything is held together by means of small pegs. Next, we cover the plants with plastic foil which is regularly replaced. After 6 to 8 weeks, the grafts have grown together and we remove the foil. They can now be planted into larger containers. We often leave the pegs for a while so that the young grafts are better resistant to the wind.

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